Individuals are interviewed by the employees of State Data Agency – interviewers. For some statistical surveys (agricultural, tourism, energy), temporary employees from a company which won a public procurement tender are involved. They interview respondents face-to-face or by phone, give advice on the filling-in of e-questionnaires, enter the data collected into a computerised survey system. Interviews are conducted throughout Lithuania.
At the recruitment stage, special attention is paid to candidates' communication skills. A newly employed person is given training – to be able to properly perform the tasks assigned. They regularly participate in professional development and refresher courses.
Interviewer's work is closely observed by other employees of State Data Agency; the interview process is constantly supervised, and the results are constantly assessed. The purpose of those measures is to ensure the high quality of the data collection process and the data collected as well as their confidentiality. Interviewers and temporary employees from a company which won a public procurement tender, just as other employees of State Data Agency, sign a data confidentiality commitment.
When an interviewer calls a respondent or visits her/him at home, s/he introduces her/himself, presents an employee ID with a photo, provides information on the survey. An individual who wants to make sure that the interviewer actually works at State Data Agency may do so by calling the following phone numbers:
+370 607 51 962
+370 607 94 284