Business contributes to organising statistical surveys
In order to carry out population surveys in the most efficient manner, State Data Agency cooperates with telecommunications companies for obtaining telephone numbers of our residents. The Law on Official Statistics and State Data Governance of the Republic of Lithuania provides for the right to obtain telephone numbers for statistical surveys.
Following agreements with telecommunications companies, State Data Agency interviewers may use telephone numbers of the selected residents in their surveys, which will enable them to contact and agree on participation in personal surveys.
It is of the utmost importance to involve a maximum number of selected residents as this is the best way for facilitating thorough and reliable statistical data production. Unfortunately, in Lithuania, as in other countries, a considerable number of selected residents do not participate in the surveys, therefore, it is almost impossible to assure good-quality statistical information.
One of the most frequent reasons is the failure to find a respondent at home.
Such agreements with telecommunications companies will be a nice precedent of cooperation between public authorities and businesses. The usage of administrative resources is gradually reduced – the interviewer will not be obliged to visit the respondent numerous times in the expectation of finding him (her) at home. The quality of statistical information will, undoubtedly, improve as the number of interviewed persons will increase, decision-makers will enjoy the opportunity to use more accurate and precise statistics, which, in turn, will guarantee improved public management.
Telephone numbers are removed from the system after the completion of the survey (within 6 months from receipt thereof), and they are not transferred to third parties or used for other purposes.
We invite people to be active, participate in our surveys, and thus contribute towards the development of state statistics.
In the event of doubt as to whether an employee from State Data Agency is calling, you may check this on the website, by the following telephone number: +370 607 94 312 or send an email
We always encourage our residents to fill in questionnaires online, in particular if you cannot or are not willing to communicate with our interviewers.